ESL Test

Some State Boards of Nursing require Foreign Nurse to pass ESL test.

These tests are:

  • MELAB Test

State Boards requirements on ESL

  • Different State Boards of Nursing accept different tests with different score. There are State Boards of Nursing that don’t require ESL tests, but sometimes these State Boards of Nursing are not that you need.        
  • There is a good possibility to get RN License without passing ESL test and then Endorse (transfer license) to your State or some other State, that you would prefer to live.
  • Problem with Endorsement (transferring license) is that new State has its own requirements on Nursing Education different from the one, from where you got your LPN/RN License.     
  • All issues above cannot be solved without complete knowledge of the Health Care Licensure Industry.   

If you have problems with ESL test you will never accomplish anything on your own. Foreign Nurse, Inc. gives 100% guarantee that you will get LPN/RN License without ESL Test and endorse it in the proper manner, where you want to work.

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